Well said! Most experts focused on a tiny sliver of knowledge usually lack the big picture perspective (which I usually bring all the way back to cheap energy supplies) and because of this make "predictions" or evaluations around a novel technology etc without taking other factors into account. Assumptions are made (which is fair enough)…
Well said! Most experts focused on a tiny sliver of knowledge usually lack the big picture perspective (which I usually bring all the way back to cheap energy supplies) and because of this make "predictions" or evaluations around a novel technology etc without taking other factors into account. Assumptions are made (which is fair enough) that everything will just keep ticking along, the pillars that hold everything else up will magically stay standing even though we can see the cracks forming right now.
Well said! Most experts focused on a tiny sliver of knowledge usually lack the big picture perspective (which I usually bring all the way back to cheap energy supplies) and because of this make "predictions" or evaluations around a novel technology etc without taking other factors into account. Assumptions are made (which is fair enough) that everything will just keep ticking along, the pillars that hold everything else up will magically stay standing even though we can see the cracks forming right now.